Monday, October 16, 2006

Prayer for the Road

What follows are the lyrics to the song that is played at the close to every service at our church. Without any further remarks, I would really like to hear some of your reactions to the lyrics alone. (If you attend the service and see it as part of the tradition, then please refrain from comment. I'm really interested in what fresh eyes see.)

May we be blessed as we go our way
May we be found in safety and love
May grace and compassion find their way to every soul
May this be our blessing Amen.
(repeat Amen ...)

What does this song say to you? How would it send you out week after week?

I plan on leaving this up for a bit. I don't know how often this blog gets read, but I'm really curious about your thoughts. So, I wait.


The name is Becca... said...

Fine, I will refrain, as you asked...

Anonymous said...

Jeff, KRista asked me what i thought of this, and here is what i wrote to her:
i might need some more info on the debate, but right off the bat i am noticing that it is very much focused on God blessing us - this sort of capitalist notion of the vending machine God - give us this, give us that, amen. Doesnt really place us in accountability - like God will show compassion to the poeple and somehow find them - leaves us out of the equation. This is a very critical view of the song, but im assuming this is what you are lookng for.

She thought you might want this on there...
somebody will have to fill me in on this sometime =).