Saturday, October 14, 2006

Halloween Cookies

So, we made some cookies (read: Krista made some cookies). Anyway, while the base-coat of icing was being applied Krista asked me to go to the store to grab a few things. She needed a tip to do the faces, some garlic, and some vanilla pudding. So, I hopped on the skateboard and went to the store.

I came back with an icing tip, some garlic, and a pack of vanilla pudding. The only problem was that I brought the kind of vanilla pudding that was already mixed, not the powder. (read: crap). As a result Krista then headed to the store (read: luckily we were short some tin foil that she also needed) and I was left to make the faces.

Hence, among other things, a pirate cookie.

(Note: we have since managed to successfully procure both the foil and pudding mix.)

1 comment:

rise up said...

I am glad you made some holloween cookies (especially the pirate face). I hope all is going well for you, and when will you next be in Spokane? You should look me up when you do come, and maybe we could catch up.