Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I remember

My dad used to make us read poetry on the way into school. He would bring the book and drive at about 45 down the freeway just so my older brother and I had more time to read. You can image how excited two high school guys were about that. (On occassion the book of poetry would disappear, but they always seemed to print more for dad to buy.)

Anyhow, I came across this reading the other day. I remember this poem, and this guy reads it well. So, this one's for you dad.

The Cremation of Sam McGee


Geoff said...

speaking of your dad, do you remember a conversation that we had on the Cosby's back porch (Tuscany) this summer? My grad date has moved up and I will be done in December, and I am all but in for am internship in Spokane. What are the chances of revisiting that topic?

Anonymous said...

The conversations of Geoff White and Bob Crotty - that could be a best seller