Monday, January 09, 2006

It is good.

I had one of those weeks where, by the end, you just wish you could curl up in a ball and stay in that ball until ... well ... maybe springtime. It was humbling, hurtful, weird, and just plain tiring.

I'm still processing a lot of it, but I can say that the weekend made up for the entire week. Shannon Roark is here visiting (we're trying to talk her into staying, though), and the new worship service at LNPC kicked off. Krista, Shannon, and some others spent over 20 hours putting this room together, and it looked awesome. The night was supposed to be a dry-run before the actual kick-off next week, and we didn't expect many guests. There was, however, one lady, an angel if you ask me, that did show up.

She had walked past the partially decorated room earlier in the day and saw the decorations. Not knowing what was going on she checked around and found out what we were doing and when. So, she showed, and she cried. She spent most of the 1.5 hours crying ... just thankful for the worship. God was there, and her tears of joy were my healing. It's amazing how God works. After a terrible week, I found joy in a sisters thankful tears.

It is good.

Next week she plans to come back with her kids (in their pj's if necessary) and intends to bring some of her clients from her wholistic healing business. She thinks they might find healing during that time ... I sure did.

1 comment:

Cosby said...

good to hear bro. do what he calls