Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A point?

So, here's something related to the last post ...

I come from a Christian home where I was aware of Jesus at an early age. You could say that I've spent most of my life in the shadow of the cross. That's been a huge blessing, but as many of you know, such things are often taken for granted.

What does this have to do with Jesus' desire for honesty rather than neatness? Well, I have lived a relatively "neat," though far from perfect, life. So, I have rarely, truly felt desperate for Christ. Since emotion doesn't and shouldn't drive my faith, this is not entirely bad; however, it can open the door to apathy.

This is why I need people in my life that have walked long and dark roads to come to Jesus. I need to see there faces when they discover the living Christ. I need the depths of their joy that spring from Jesus' working in the depths of their brokenness to remind me, to inspire me. Isn't that the body at work? Didn't the woman run from the well and minister? She sure could minister to me ... to many of us that are Pharisaic and orderly in our faiths ...

She was a mess, and I need her in my church to inspire and humble me!

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