Saturday, December 17, 2005
the dust settles
It's been too long, and I'm up late as it is. So, let me just say that K and I are heading north to Washington. Snow? I sure hope so.
Merry Christmas to all of you! (If anyone checks this blog anymore.)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
My wife and I have to work at our love. It is work, but it's that kind of work that is more rewarding than any amount of sweat and tears you put into it.
... I wonder if that's how it is for God. So intentional ... so willing to sweat and cry ... and how he must rejoice beyond any meaning of the term we can fathom when the love is returned.
No wonder angels dance.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Public Service Announcement
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Galloping Gertie
Anyway, people loved the bridge because even in the lightest wind four to five foot waves would roll down the bridge causing cars in front of you to disappear and reappear as they drove accross. Not surpisingly the bridge failed only four months after its completion. The best part is Galloping Gertie was almost left open despite the fact that it was clearly unsafe.
Luckily ... except for Tubby the half-paralyzed dog, there were not casualties.
Thanks Rob for the fine trivia.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Change colors. Why bother?
Where is this bitterness coming from? I'll tell you.
When Krista and I moved to Dana Point I took notice of all the deciduous trees, and I hoped (oops) that I might get to see some Fall colors. As it turns out, the trees here, much like everything else, just skip straight to the outcome and have no appreciation for the process. So, leaves don't really change color as much as they just pick a night and in the darkness die and fall off the trees. It's depressing.
Now I will go get a haircut.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Go Ireland!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Rabies continued ... again
I vow to kill the next bat that even comes near me.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
a reflection on the evening ...
During the art show I found myself thinking that in all likelyhood neither Jordo, Shepard Fairey, my cat, nor I will probably ever ride in the Cinderalla Carriage. Come to think of it, I'll be surprised if I ever meet someone that has.
That's all for this late night musing.
(No, that's not Jordo's normal look. It was a one-time deal ... as far as I know.)
Friday, September 23, 2005
Pet Day Spa
First, I am by no means the man I should be, but I'm trying.
Second, toward the end of helping me become the man I hope to be ... Should I ever take a pet of mine to a Pet Day Spa, please remind me that there are people in this world that don't even know what a day spa is, and that they might have some needs worth meeting before my pet is subjected to the confusion and money-sucking experience of a Pet Day Spa.
Finally, as it stands right now, it would just be good for me to ask, and be asked, how I'm being a steward of my current resources. I'll have to think on that ... maybe that Pet Day Spa will be good for something after all ... but it sure won't be for my pet.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
getty girl
Originally uploaded by crotty.
My brother was in town a couple of weeks back, and we got some time to get to the Getty - hence the photo. (no the people in the photo are no direct relation)
Really I just wanted to say that I love my family and value what little time I do get with them. Ben, my brother that visited, lives in France, and he told me that the French think it's weird that we blog ... since most of what gets blogged consists of personal feelings and "private" stuff.
So, weird though I may be, let the world know that I miss being able to spend more time with my family.
Monday, September 19, 2005
We didn't get to celebrate our anniversary on our actually wedding date, since we had a bunch of stuff going on. We did, however, celebrate this last weekend. It was so good to spend some time looking back at what was joyous and what was challenging about our first year. It was good to spend some time telling and hearing about our love for one another. In fact, I got myself to thinking that it's something we should be more intentional about.
The only reason I write about it at all is to let you in on it. If you are recently married and you haven't stopped, looked each other in the eyes, and spend an hour or two sharing about your love, joys, struggles, and dreams, then get to it. It's good for the soul. I assume that goes double if you've been married longer.
Oh, and thanks to all of you that sent cards and called to wish us well. I cannot tell you how much that means! We thank God for you.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
It's unbelievable
Monday, September 12, 2005
Rabies continued
I'm thinking that since we'll be impervious to rabies for a season that I might hire myself in some sort of bat-removal capacity. What do you suppose the going rate for such a service is ... ?
Friday, September 09, 2005
Get this
drunken cat?
drunken cat?
Originally uploaded by crotty.
Our poor cat has the worms. Today he gets a shot that will get the worms out ... which will probably make him feel ... well ... the same way he does in this picture.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
"WoW !---Talk about SPAM ! I'm almost afraid to post on your site ! I was looking for ideas for web sites, cuz I'm putting up one called Cell Phones, which of course covers topics related to cell phone holders . Are you using a Blog Template or free-handing it ? ---Jack---"
"So many Bloggs so little time. Thanks For letting me leave a comment. movue "
Whoever "Jack" is hit it on the head; it's SPAM. I thinks it's also annoying.
(As a point of humor, and to prevent anyone from inadvertantly linking to the sites these SPAMers want us to visit, I changed the original links to something self-serving.)
Friday, September 02, 2005
I've resolved to get my act together ... and soon ... to help those people - definitely before I get another ice-cream.
Monday, August 29, 2005
it's true...
(Click on the "watch this movie" link. It should be the Numa Numa dance)
I guess it beats dying, though. After all, rabies does have a 100% mortality rate.
What happened ... ? A long story ... but let's just say it mostly has to do with a bat, a small room, and a mom who's full of caring concern to the point that you just have to, well, get a half dozen shots to start off your week.
before the wedding
before the wedding
Originally uploaded by crotty.
nothing like a brother to bring joy to your life ...
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
whelp ...
On a related note: It hit me how different the place we are now is when I saw a plumber's van, a well-cleaned and professionally painted one, that had a white-board displaying the local surf report magnetically attached to the back. I can't tell you how much I wish I had a camera.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Out of Touch
The new ministry here is sweet, though. It's a smaller church than I'm used to, but I like it. It's nice to feel like you have a voice. The head pastor is a great guy with a great vision, and I will enjoy working with him. The downsize is there are a lot of informal systems that I have to learn. Things just seem to work like you would expect them to in a smaller organization. I like it; it's just hard to get a handle on.
Other than that, life is good.
Just a point of interest ... when we moved from our address in Pasadena to our address in Dana Point ... our car insurance dropped by a third even though Krista will drive more! According to the guy I talked to it's because both living and driving down here is much safer. Interesting.
Monday, July 25, 2005
In fact, we move this Friday if any of you are interested in helping.
As far as movement goes ... I just spent the last week in Tijuana, Mexico. I was blessed with the opportunity to lead worship for the week, and was a small part of building the houses. Dave runs a sweet ministry, and he's blessed with some sweet kids.
There's also movement on the Stuntman stuff ... we think. The lawyer has money and is working ... we think. We shall see what exactly he's working on ... we shall see.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Laguna Niguel
I've accepted a Youth Ministry position with them, and we start August one. So, we've been madly searching for a place to live. We think we've found a sweet place just outside of Dana Point, and will know for sure tomorrow.
Please pray for the transition and the new ministry!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I spent last week speaking up at Calvin Crest, and it was a sweet time. Junior high students are so fun, and seek in a way that is very much their own. At the same time, speaking is really humbling. It's been a bit since I've spoken, and could do little more than realize anything that happens is all God's doing.
And God does stuff, which is great.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
simon says ...
simon says ...
Originally uploaded by crotty.
cover your eyes with your "arm."
I don't think the cat liked the camera flash any more than I did.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
New Songs?
Let me know.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I have, and frankly that's fine ... as long as it's down there deep enough that it doesn't come back out right away.
baby sheep
That's probably true ... and pretty much not okay.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Are we still threatening inclusion in the name of Jesus?
Monday, May 09, 2005
I had never thought about it ...
I've heard that one several times at camps and retreats, but what does that say about a new Christian's position in the new faith? Doesn't that practice encourage current believers to literally turn a blind eye to new converts? Doesn't it also suggest that the new believer should be very careful about how fully he or she lives into their new faith, after all we seem to suggest to them that it might be wise to only accept Jesus when no one is looking?
This thought hit me just the other day ... Is there a better way to do it? Am I missing something?
Shouldn't we push people to understand that accepting Jesus means that you are entering into his body, the church. If we value that, then shouldn't we rejoice together in full sight?
How about, "Heads up, eyes open, everyone is looking, this is between you, the God of the universe, and the church ..."
Friday, May 06, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Scratch Tones
So, I called him and his phone rang ... it was a turn-table scratch. Apparently the guy played the tables and had a different scratch for every person in his phone book (I got the generic scratch, though). I told him he ought to market the whole thing ... 'cause it was all just too classic.
Point? Find out something fun and facinating today; talk to someone you don't know.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Has Costco gone too far?
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Harry Potter Gone Wild
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Friday, April 22, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
You're kidding. Right?
If you're not sure after watching, then check out his web site.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
next steps
Mexico, here we come.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Think about it
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Mass Trans
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
A point?
I come from a Christian home where I was aware of Jesus at an early age. You could say that I've spent most of my life in the shadow of the cross. That's been a huge blessing, but as many of you know, such things are often taken for granted.
What does this have to do with Jesus' desire for honesty rather than neatness? Well, I have lived a relatively "neat," though far from perfect, life. So, I have rarely, truly felt desperate for Christ. Since emotion doesn't and shouldn't drive my faith, this is not entirely bad; however, it can open the door to apathy.
This is why I need people in my life that have walked long and dark roads to come to Jesus. I need to see there faces when they discover the living Christ. I need the depths of their joy that spring from Jesus' working in the depths of their brokenness to remind me, to inspire me. Isn't that the body at work? Didn't the woman run from the well and minister? She sure could minister to me ... to many of us that are Pharisaic and orderly in our faiths ...
She was a mess, and I need her in my church to inspire and humble me!
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Matt 21
Well, I just don't think the church can be clean when it's doing things right. After all, where there are sinners, there is often a mess.
More importantly, the creation of a clean church does not seem to be a goal of Christ. The inference of the parable of the two sons, the story of thomas, and of the boy with the evil spirit (Mk 9) all seem to suggest Jesus would rather have honest people reaching for him than "clean" people who don't think they need him.
So, we should expect the church to be a mess. If we're doing things right, it should be hard work. We should have to remind ourselves of why we do it, of the cross.
I'll make a point later ...
Monday, April 04, 2005
Monday, March 28, 2005
good word
In John 20:21 Jesus says, "As my Father has sent me, I am sending you."
So, the question is how far is it from heaven to Bethlehem, Earth? How far was Jesus sent? This, then, moves me to wonder how it is that the church can keep building fortresses and inviting people in. If that is how Christ practiced ministry, he would have simply continued to shout to us from heaven; things would have been left at the law. He was sent, though, and he came.
Then I should go too, right? What does that mean for a church that's institutional? How does it learn to go again? How does it learn to become relevant again ... or better yet ... how does it become incarnate to the world?
I think I'll leave it at that for now - just a lot of questions.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Now a thought:
Mary clung to Jesus after he called her name. Then she ran from the tomb to tell those that she knew his resurrection would mean the most to crying, "I have seen the Lord!"
Today, I said, "that sure was an off video they opened the service with, but the music was great."
I'm pretty sure Mary was closer to the mark.
Don't get me wrong, I love that the Lord is risen. I rejoice, but I am sometimes so petty in the midst of it.
Note to Cory: Thanks.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Friday, March 25, 2005
Red Rock Canyon State Park
Red Rock Canyon State Park
Originally uploaded by crotty.
We camped in the desert last weekend. At least the rain was worth something; The desert is awesome when it blooms.
Well worth a visit.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Cat Sleepin
Cat Sleepin
Originally uploaded by crotty.
Yes - we have a cat.
No - it does not sleep normally.
Yes - I wish I was asleep.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Cali Driving
First, I believe that motorists in this state are largely encouraged to ignore their turn signals.
Second, it appears to be that the speed limit is considered to be more of an average than a limit. So, if you spend the morning stuck in traffic, you get to spend the remainder of the day driving like a bat-out-of-hell to bring that average back up. Right?
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Things I'm not
No, that's not my phone number, and no I was not recently hired as the general manager for Legends by Notre Dame Food Services.
No, I have not been recently certified as a DARE Mentor.
And, no, I am not a Junior Champion at the Redwood Empire Golf and Country Club.
or am I?
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
It's not just hindsight that's 20/20
"Yet a society based, as the church has been, upon the conviction that to seek life is to lose it, must discover the fallacy in any attempt merely to live for the sake of living ... The church then realizes that the important question is not how to save its life but rather how to keep its soul, how to face loss, impoverishment, and even death without surrendering its self, its work, and its service.
"From the point of view of civilization the question of the church seems often to be regarded as that of an institution which has failed to adjust itself to the world and which is making desperate efforts to overcome its maladjustments. The problem it presents is that of a conservative organization which has not kept abreast of the times, which has remained medieval while the world grows modern, dogmatic while civilization was becoming scientific; which is individualistic in a collectiveist period and theological in a time of humanism ...
"It is true also, within certain limits, that failure to adjust results in decay as is evident in all mere traditionalism .... The failure of traditionalism, moreover, is less in its lack of adjustment to changing conditions than in the confusion of the spirit with the letter and in blindness to the actual shift of attention from the meaning to symbol that has taken place within the church.
"In the faith of the church, the problem is not one of adjustment to the changing, relative, and temporal elements in civilization but rather one of constant adjustment, amid these changing things to the eternal.
"WHAT IS ENDANGERED in the church is the secular elements: its prestige as a social institution, its power as a political agency, its endowment as a foster-child of nation or of class. And this very peril indicates that the church has adjusted itself too much rather than too little to the world in which it lives." - H. Richard Niebuhr (1935)
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
bach party
bach party
Originally uploaded by crotty.
Is there a better sight to behold at your bachelor party? Really? 5 points of you can name the man behind the smoke.
General Store
General Store
Originally uploaded by crotty.
I'm still figuring this out, but I figure I can still post some things while I'm at it. On that note, here's something you don't see much any more in a Wal-Mart world.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Huge Lemon
Huge Lemon
Originally uploaded by crotty.
These are easily the biggest lemons that I've ever seen and they grow in our yard. So, if you're in the market for a novelty gift of the fruit sort and if they are in season, I'd be happy to send you one.